Finding Hope In The Midst of Brokenness

Finding Hope In The Midst Of Brokenness

August 31, 2022

Pat and I attended the Napa Institute Summer Conference in Napa Valley, California, held at the exquisite Meritage Hotel, then went to Carmel, one of our absolute favorite places. More on Napa later, but first to share something that happened to us on the beach in Carmel. When Might a Young Boy Realize The Value of Work We returned to...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

Catching Air: 

Napa Catholic Conference- Post Roe America- Next Steps for the Pro-Life Movement

Napa Catholic Conference- Post Roe America- Next Steps For The Pro-life Movement

August 17, 2022

The Napa Catholic Conference last month included an inspiring series of talks on subjects as wide-ranging as theology, art, science and politics. One of the topics most discussed was the recent Dobbs case by which the Supreme Court finally overturned the so-called Constitutional right to abortion under the Court's 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade. The Court in Dobbs held...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Ceo Learnings: 

BOOK: Uneven Justice, The Plot to Sink Galleon

Book: Uneven Justice, The Plot To Sink Galleon

August 17, 2022

Raj Rajaratnam in his Uneven Justice shares his story of being handcuffed and arrested on the morning of October 2009 by five FBI agents and then convicted in Federal Court by New York’s U.S. Attorney for the Southern District, Preet Bharara for “insider trading.” Bharara alleged that 0.02 percent of the trades between 2003-2008 by the Galleon Group which Rajaratnam’s...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "

Catching Air: 

Can States be Forced to Allow Chemical Abortions?

Can States Be Forced To Allow Chemical Abortions?

July 29, 2022

The Supreme Court has overruled Roe v. Wade, holding that each state should decide its own abortion law, but there is a new battle looming over whether that extends to chemical abortions. This is no small issue when more than half of all abortions in the United States are carried out using a drug called mifepristone, also known as Mifeprex...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

“Roe” Is Gone: Door Wide Open for Women to Receive True Healthcare…Here’s how

“roe” Is Gone: Door Wide Open For Women To Receive True Healthcare…here’s How

July 21, 2022

There’s something of long-lasting, radically impactful importance resulting from the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Dobbs decision that’s not being talked about. That “something” is the now-open potential for genuine respect for women and for providing true and natural healthcare for women. In short, now women should receive the dignity and true healthcare each woman deserves! My belief in the value...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

Catching Air: 

Supreme Court Rules that the Constitution Means Just What it Says (or does not say) on Abortion and Guns

Supreme Court Rules That The Constitution Means Just What It Says (or Does Not Say) On Abortion And Guns

June 27, 2022

The Supreme Court's recent decisions on abortion and the Second Amendment right to bear arms are finally placing limits on the kind of judicial activism that has made our Constitution and Constitutional law almost unrecognizable. While these two cases may seem very different, the Court is telling us in both cases that the Constitution means just what it says, no...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

The Catholic Investor: 

A Recession Might be Coming – Why We are Concerned About Dividend Safety

A Recession Might Be Coming – Why We Are Concerned About Dividend Safety

June 8, 2022

 It’s a matter of priorities If you’re counting on dividend payments to supplement your income, then the single most important issue is whether the companies that you’re counting on for those dividends have the financial wherewithal to make the payments. And that’s why we try to ensure, in one way or another, that the companies we include in our dividend...

Thomas Carroll CFA

(President, Catholic Investment Strategies)

Thomas "Tom" Carroll, CFA, is the president of Catholic Investment Strategies, a position in which he has passionately enjoyed serving since 2012. Prior to this position,...

" Tom Carroll, president of Catholic Investment Strategies. "

Catching Air: 

U.S. Supreme Court OKs Big Tech Censorship

U.s. Supreme Court Oks Big Tech Censorship

June 5, 2022

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on May 31, in the case of NetChoice v. Paxton, that Twitter, Facebook and Google can censor conservative political views, at least for now, while challenges against a Texas anti-censorship law make their way through the Court system. The Court's decision would seem to condone blatant viewpoint discrimination, including the exclusion of information about Hunter...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

When Will the Supreme Court Act on the Dobbs Case?

When Will The Supreme Court Act On The Dobbs Case?

June 2, 2022

The much-awaited decision of the U.S. Supreme Court case of Thomas E. Dobbs, State Health Officer of Mississippi Department of Health, et al., Petitioners v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, et al. Respondents, herein Dobbs, is expected to be issued in June 2022. There is much public furor by persons on both sides of the issue because of someone’s leaking the...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

How Knowing History Opens Our Eyes and Hearts

How Knowing History Opens Our Eyes And Hearts

June 2, 2022

A recent trip opened my eyes and greatly deepened my understanding about the foremost issues in our culture and society today. Let me explain... The Indispensable Role of Women In Today’s Society I have always been a strong believer in the important and indispensable role that women play in our contemporary society. From a woman’s role as mother, organizer for...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

BOOK REVIEW: “Angels All Around Us” by Anthony DeStefano

Book Review: “angels All Around Us” By Anthony Destefano

May 3, 2022

BOOK:  Angels All Around Us: A Sightseeing Guide to the Invisible World (formerly titled The Invisible World) , by Anthony DeStefano (Doubleday, 2011) I usually don’t read books that are sent to me unbidden.  Anthony DeStefano’s Angels All Around Us was mailed to me by Priests for Life, an organization I support financially.  If I remember correctly, Fr. Frank Pavone,...


Fr. Chris Heath is a priest of the Diocese of Orange, California, and has served as founding chaplain of Catholics at Work OC and pastor at...

Catching Air: 

Federal Court Declares Airplane Mask Mandate Illegal–Whether or not Masks Work

Federal Court Declares Airplane Mask Mandate Illegal–whether Or Not Masks Work

May 1, 2022

A Federal District Court in the case of Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Joe Biden has held that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) illegally forced passengers to wear face masks on airplanes and other public transportation since early last year. To be clear, this was not a decision that masks do not work or that they are no longer...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Catching Air: 

Out of Control Government Agencies, Will the Court Help?

Out Of Control Government Agencies, Will The Court Help?

April 5, 2022

Government agencies, run by thousands of unelected, unaccountable and mostly unreachable bureaucrats, increasingly affect nearly every aspect of American life. We are forced to comply with burdensome IRS requirements. Businesses struggle under onerous EPA rules. Most recently, we've seen heavy-handed vaccine mandates imposed by OSHA and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS.) And that is just the tip...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Victimhood is Not a Virtue: Defending true womanhood, marriage and the family

Victimhood Is Not A Virtue: Defending True Womanhood, Marriage And The Family

April 5, 2022

A quarter of 2022 has passed, and time is racing on. We are in Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter remind us of the 40 days that Jesus fasted in the desert before He came to Jerusalem to die on a cross, giving His life for each of us. Two excellent organizations providing excellent and useful information Already...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...

Ceo Learnings: 

BOOK REVIEW and Author Matthew Kelly:  The Messiness of Life Can Prevent Us from Focusing on Those Things That Lead to A Good Life

Book Review And Author Matthew Kelly: The Messiness Of Life Can Prevent Us From Focusing On Those Things That Lead To A Good Life

March 31, 2022

My relationship with New York Times best-selling author and speaker Matthew Kelly dates back to 2004 when another New York Times, best-selling author and friend Patrick Lencioni, brought him to my attention as a potential speaker for the Diocese of Oakland’s Catholics@Work (C@W) Speaker Series. Despite Kelly's very busy schedule, we were able to bring this much-in-demand Catholic evangelist to...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "

The Catholic Investor: 

The Catholic Investor: My Journey

The Catholic Investor: My Journey

March 7, 2022

I began transforming into a Catholic investor while working as a portfolio manager for Northwestern Mutual Life. I had been a pro-life Catholic for a long time and was serving on the Wisconsin Right to Life Board of Directors. A stockbroker I worked with regularly approached me with a new idea for a stock to buy. As he was telling...

Thomas Carroll CFA

(President, Catholic Investment Strategies)

Thomas "Tom" Carroll, CFA, is the president of Catholic Investment Strategies, a position in which he has passionately enjoyed serving since 2012. Prior to this position,...

" Tom Carroll, president of Catholic Investment Strategies. "

Catching Air: 

New Supreme Court Justice- The Court is not “The Little Congress”

New Supreme Court Justice- The Court Is Not “the Little Congress”

February 16, 2022

President Biden has vowed to appoint a black woman to the Supreme Court in order to achieve more diversity among the Justices. He wants the Court to represent all Americans, and of course he wants a Justice who will be open to his political agenda. While there is certainly nothing wrong with diversity, the Supreme Court should not be thought of...

David G. Bjornstrom


David G. Bjornstrom is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court bar and retired California attorney at law with 38 years specializing in business, estate and...

Ceo Learnings: 

BOOK REVIEW: Buscemi’s Guide to Understanding the Family Office as a Source of Capital

Book Review: Buscemi’s Guide To Understanding The Family Office As A Source Of Capital

February 7, 2022

I noticed a sea-change in the investment landscape about 10 years ago as family offices, which were relatively unknown to entrepreneurs as a source of capital, expanded from investing solely in investment funds to investing directly in young companies. Family offices provide a wide range of services tailored to meet the needs of high-net-worth individuals, many of whom were wealth...

Thomas M. Loarie

(CEO, Bryologyx)

View Articles Thomas M. Loarie is a popular host of The Mentors Radio Show, the founder and CEO of BryoLogyx Inc. (, and a seasoned corporate...

" Thomas Loarie is CEO of Bryologyx, a radio host of The Mentors Radio Show, and the former, seasoned and pioneering CEO of life science... "
Can A Warning From The Past Give Us An Answer For The Present?

Can A Warning From The Past Give Us An Answer For The Present?

January 25, 2022

So much has happened over the last 30 days and we have so many blessings for which to be grateful. Even so, inner anxiety and pressure to get things done can trigger unfortunate conflicts even among those we love the most.  Wiser heads and hearts than ours, and examples from Church history, give us some practical solutions we can all...

Tim Von Dohlen

View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he...