In the Bible, the book of Ruth illustrates the difference between those who step out in faith and take risks, and those who give into fear, play it safe, and miss God’s best for them.
God rewards faith, not fear!
What Challenge was the St. John Paul II Life Center Facing?
On December 21, 2023, as my wife, Pat, and I and all Christians awaited celebrating the birth of Jesus, the situation for the St. John Paul II Life Center (JPII Life Center) in Ausin, Texas, was uncertain.
As Co-Founders of the JPII Life Center and the Vitae Clinic 14 years ago, we nurtured and saw first-hand the tremendous amount of work the Center done since its founding to save more than 2,500 babies’ lives; thanks to devoted staff, our Board of Directors, and hundreds of supporters… but could all that effort to save babies ‘lives and help expectant mothers now be in jeopardy?

We had started a $10,000,000 Capital Campaign. We had collected about $750,000 and had an additional $3,000,000 in pledges – some pledges to come in over five years. We had nearly $9,000,000 in commitments to buy a 19,000 square foot office building that needed just over $2,000,000 in renovation to provide a new national headquarters to house both the Center and Clinic, allow expansion of both, and launch major educational initiatives.
We had a contract for the new building (the Marathon Building) to close on January 15, 2024, and a construction contract to finish renovations on February 22, 2024. Our lease on the offices we have occupied since October 2010 would terminate on January 15, 2024.

We had one loan application pending and we were told we might not know anything about the loan approval until the first week of January 2024.
Now you have a better idea of why the future for the Center and Clinic was at risk!
Trust in God and Taking the Risk
On the morning of December 22, 2023, I received a call from the lending officer of the Knights of Columbus Church Loan program telling me that we would have a loan commitment for $6,000,000 by January 4, 2024.
That same afternoon I also received a text from the manager of our existing lease space that the owner of the building had agreed to extend our current lease through February 29, 2024.
On January 15, 2024, just before 5:00 PM, the contract amendment was approved by the Sellers of the new building which extended Closing to February 22, 2024.

On February 22, 2024, we closed on the purchase of the Marathon Building with loan proceeds from the Knights of Columbus.
Our excellent contractor, Sabre Construction, secured the occupancy permit approving the extensive renovations and our approval to move in the same day.
Excellent planning and Coordination
We started move-in as planned, on February 22, 2024.
Patients were seen through noon on Friday February 23, 2024, at the old location. The move out of the old lease space and into the Marathon Building was completed on Monday, February 26, 2024, by Noon. Our two physicians and nurse practitioner then saw 40 patients that same afternoon!
Exactly 60 days after prospects looked really bleak, all came together through the devoted staff and movers, and most importantly, by the blessings of God!
What Does This Free the Center To Do?
Now we have two years to focus on completing our $10,000,000 Capital Campaign, and to launch and expand our new, powerful outreach initiatives:

1) A Glimpse Inside annual subscription program to educate youth and adults on the reality of human life in the womb,
2) Teach and educate about the Natural Family Planning Methods and Natural Procreative Technology (NaPro),
3) Expand with Sophia Institute for Teachers our Human Sexuality course to thousands of schools across America,
4) Develop and expand our Medical Education Program within medical schools and residency programs across America enhancing the knowledge for new Ob/Gyn Physicians of the Natural Family Planning Methods; and
5) Enhance proper recognition of the importance of womanhood and a woman’s role as mothers while teaching young men their responsibilities of respecting and protecting women.
What Can You Do?
We humbly invite you to prayerfully consider being an active part of our programs by volunteering or contributing to make our dreams come true—saving even more babies’ lives, serving women, and educating women and men in the TRUTH about life in the womb that has been distorted by misinformation over the last 51 years.
As spirit-filled citizens of God’s Kingdom, we haven’t been called to avoid the culture; but to inform it , instruct it and illuminate it. (cp. Proverbs 25:12)
This is exactly what the St. John Paul II Life Center is doing.
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21)
We may know the result we desire, but God knows what is best for us, and He plans accordingly.
We thank God for helping us find the right path, and for the successes we have had, and with your help, for the successes that will continue.
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