Being Thankful, Breaking the Poverty Cycle, and Education as a Battleground

Being Thankful, Breaking the Poverty Cycle, and Education as a Battleground

Beginning to think about Christmas gets a power boost as we get into Advent and the four Sundays before Christmas day. Sharing the daily Bible readings of the Mass and the stories in the various daily devotionals we read gets Pat and me in a reflective mood. There is no question that the world changed…

My Opinion, Truth, Passivity and Your Vote…. POWERFUL!

My Opinion, Truth, Passivity and Your Vote…. POWERFUL!

In the Word for Today it references the book War on the Saints, where Jessie Penn-Lewis writes: “The chief condition…for the working of evil spirits in human beings is PASSIVITY….Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.” (1 Pe 5:8) Have…

Finding Hope In The Midst of Brokenness

Finding Hope In The Midst of Brokenness

Pat and I attended the Napa Institute Summer Conference in Napa Valley, California, held at the exquisite Meritage Hotel, then went to Carmel, one of our absolute favorite places. More on Napa later, but first to share something that happened to us on the beach in Carmel. When Might a Young Boy Realize The Value…

“Roe” Is Gone: Door Wide Open for Women to Receive True Healthcare…Here’s how

“Roe” Is Gone: Door Wide Open for Women to Receive True Healthcare…Here’s how

There’s something of long-lasting, radically impactful importance resulting from the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent Dobbs decision that’s not being talked about. That “something” is the now-open potential for genuine respect for women and for providing true and natural healthcare for women. In short, now women should receive the dignity and true healthcare each woman deserves!…

When Will the Supreme Court Act on the Dobbs Case?

When Will the Supreme Court Act on the Dobbs Case?

The much-awaited decision of the U.S. Supreme Court case of Thomas E. Dobbs, State Health Officer of Mississippi Department of Health, et al., Petitioners v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, et al. Respondents, herein Dobbs, is expected to be issued in June 2022. There is much public furor by persons on both sides of the issue…

How Knowing History Opens Our Eyes and Hearts

How Knowing History Opens Our Eyes and Hearts

A recent trip opened my eyes and greatly deepened my understanding about the foremost issues in our culture and society today. Let me explain… The Indispensable Role of Women In Today’s Society I have always been a strong believer in the important and indispensable role that women play in our contemporary society. From a woman’s…

Victimhood is Not a Virtue: Defending true womanhood, marriage and the family

Victimhood is Not a Virtue: Defending true womanhood, marriage and the family

A quarter of 2022 has passed, and time is racing on. We are in Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter remind us of the 40 days that Jesus fasted in the desert before He came to Jerusalem to die on a cross, giving His life for each of us. Two excellent organizations providing…

Can A Warning From The Past Give Us An Answer For The Present?

Can A Warning From The Past Give Us An Answer For The Present?

So much has happened over the last 30 days and we have so many blessings for which to be grateful. Even so, inner anxiety and pressure to get things done can trigger unfortunate conflicts even among those we love the most.  Wiser heads and hearts than ours, and examples from Church history, give us some…

Preparation, Listening, Jesus Coming and Salvation

Preparation, Listening, Jesus Coming and Salvation

It is here again in the midst of a pandemic, the treatment of which is robbing many people of enjoyment and peace in their lives. But because of Jesus there is HOPE and we must remember that “Jesus Is The Reason For The Season.” Hope: There is ALWAYS HOPE, no matter what Pat and I…

Saving More Babies’ Lives—A Remarkable New Opportunity: This is what happens when Catholic leaders lead with faith and business-savvy

Saving More Babies’ Lives—A Remarkable New Opportunity: This is what happens when Catholic leaders lead with faith and business-savvy

CBJ editor note:  At Catholic Business Journal we are committed to showcasing Catholic business men and women who vibrantly live their Catholic faith in business, at work, in their family and in their daily lives.  We are so proud to have long featured the articles and thoughts of Catholic businessman extraordinaire, Tim Von Dohlen, who…

Finding An American Dream

Finding An American Dream

The last eight weeks have been amazingly unconventional! Nothing since March 2020 has been conventional. Covid-19 has turned everything upside down and made it topsy turvy. An amazingly unconventional time! From the ways we have operated—and had to pivot and re-think—our businesses, handled employee issues, been unable to visit in person with family and friends,…

Forward Movement and Inspiration from the Holy Spirit

Forward Movement and Inspiration from the Holy Spirit

I am so thankful that the Catholic Bishops voted overwhelmingly to approve drafting a paper for consideration at their November 2021, in person, United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) meeting. The damage to the Catholic Church laity caused by a small number of outspoken Cardinals and Bishops who publicly oppose Christ’s teachings is significant.…

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