This year, 2023, is off to an exciting start! Rather than focusing on New Year’s Resolutions this year I was captivated by the writings in the Word For You Today:
“With God all things are possible.” (Mt: 19-26) Many things that are possible remain undone because of doubt and unbelief. So, this year, think “possible.” If God’s Word says you can succeed, but you’re failing, it may mean this: You don’t really believe what He says, or you’re not willing to do your part. When you think “possible,” it increases your energy level.
Nobody goes looking for a lost cause. You only invest yourself in what you believe can succeed. So when you think “possible” and trust God for success, your faith becomes the energizing force.
The first step to thinking “possible” is to stop yourself from searching for and dwelling on what’s wrong with each situation. Eliminate the negative self-talk you hear in your head before you have even opened your mouth.
In order to think “possible,” you must believe and speak “possible.” People who think “possible” not only create forward-looking, optimistic pictures of the future in their own minds, but also in the minds of others. There is only one way to keep growing: Make your goal a step beyond what makes you comfortable.
Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine
Pat and I attended an important meeting held at the Museum of the Bible in Washington DC announcing the formation of the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine (AHM).
The AHM organization brings together five pro-life medical associations with a common focus of restoring the words “do no harm” to the Hippocratic Oath.
We were pleased to see that AHM is well-organized with dedicated physicians who believe in the sanctity of life and the dignity of the human person. They share a focused intention to return “do no harm” to the oath of their profession!
As you may know, “do no harm” was removed several years ago by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to allow OB/GYN doctors to perform an abortion, which as we know takes the life of a baby with a beating heart.
We returned to Austin in time to participate in the March for Life.
Legatus Summit and JPII Life Center
Then came the Legatus Summit in Orlando, Florida, where for three days we shared with 650 women and men from across America.
This was the first year for the St. John Paul II Life Center and Vitae Clinic to be a major sponsor which allowed both Linda Ruf, our CEO, and myself to speak and show an amazing video.

In case you are wondering about the JPII Life Center and Vitae Clinic, our long-time, life-affirming hub in Austin, my speech described the work of the St. John Paul II Life Center is as follows :
We have been guided by God and experienced signs and wonders through the Holy Spirit as we have grown. We asked for the DIFFICULT and that’s when we learned as Mt. 19:26 says “With God anything is possible.” Inspired by the ministry of St. John Paul II, we created a unique, financially sustainable model combining a pregnancy help center with a life-affirming OB/GYN medical practice under one roof.
What we do is: Inform minds, transform hearts and save lives.
After the Dobbs Decision, our work is more important and more needed than ever. We help women during pregnancy and for up to three years after—providing material goods, client advocate assistance and available medical care: Whatever they need!
There was a wonderful combination of spiritual activities including daily Mass, interesting speeches on faith, current events and challenges facing the future of the American family. Attendees heard outstanding presentations by notable speakers including Scott Hahn, Michael Knowles, Mary Rice Hasson, Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life and Bill Barr, former U.S. Attorney General.
Most Sacred Mystery of the Eucharist
One of the beautiful sights included with the Summit theme of Signs and Wonders was the Benediction returning the host (being the body of Christ) from the exposed Monstrance to the Tabernacle.
The following week at our regular Austin Legatus Chapter meeting, it was remarkable that the homily by our Chaplain, Father James Misko, was about receiving the Eucharist (the body and blood of Christ) at communion time.
Fr. Misko emphasized that when the Sacred Host is placed in your hand or on your tongue, it is God touching you! In effect, each person becomes a Monstrance for the time God is in you. We must each let our light shine for others to see God in us.
This Lent…
Having now entered into Lent, let us each reflect on how we each can become a Monstrance to light the way for our Lord as we attempt to grow in God’s grace, asking for His guidance each and every day in our lives.
We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 3:16-23, “Brothers and Sisters: Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you. If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person, for the temple of God, which you are, is holy.”
Let us remember, “Everything is possible to one who has faith.” Mark 9:23.
Returning to a reflection in the above-mentioned meditation book,
“There are events in all our lives that, looking back, had to be the hand of God at work. Maybe you bumped into somebody who introduced you to your spouse… or a co-worker resigned and suddenly you were promoted.. or a stranger said something that spoke to your heart. These are all signs of God’s favor, and when you’re tempted to get down, you need to remember when God opened the door for you… There is no such thing as coincidence… when something good happens, recognize that it’s God, and recall it often.”
This realization should inspire each of us to witness to our faith; to intensify our daily listening and prayer life in order to become a steady beacon for Jesus… even without words.
If you worry that you can’t witness to your faith, ask Him to remind you of the ways He has worked through you in the past.
Remember with God anything is possible! Be sure to ASK!
Have a wonderful Lent!
View Articles If you’ve met Tim, you know that his life was shaped by good values that were imparted to him by his parents and he... MORE »
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