The Easter Expulsion at Walter Reed Hospital

The Easter Expulsion at Walter Reed Hospital

Crisis Magazine—“It is a mistake, even heresy,” warned St. Francis de Sales, to “banish the devout life from the company of soldiers.” But the current U.S. administration did just that by evicting priests from the facility, and turned Holy Week into Hell Week for Catholic servicemembers at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. The issue,…

Lead by Example: Four Chaplains, selfless heroes of WWII, honored on 80th anniversary of their deaths

Lead by Example: Four Chaplains, selfless heroes of WWII, honored on 80th anniversary of their deaths

CNA, CBJ—“Most of us will never die a hero’s death… But all of us are called by the idea of faith, day in and day out, to give of ourselves,” said Newark Auxiliary Bishop Gregory J. Studerus, who presided over the Four Chaplains 80th Anniversary Mass at St. Stephen’s parish in Kearny, New Jersey, on…

Meet the ‘Lone Survivor’ priest and ‘Grunt Padre’ Author Now Head Chaplain of U.S. Coast Guard

Meet the ‘Lone Survivor’ priest and ‘Grunt Padre’ Author Now Head Chaplain of U.S. Coast Guard

CNA—Father Daniel Mode was the chaplain for the “Lone Survivor” SEAL team in Afghanistan and has authored a book about the famed “Grunt Padre,” Father Vincent Capodanno. Now there’s a new distinction on Mode’s impressive service record: Leading the chaplaincy efforts of the U.S. Coast Guard, the first Catholic priest to hold that important role…

US bishops elect Broglio, archbishop for Military Services, as new president

US bishops elect Broglio, archbishop for Military Services, as new president

The U.S. Catholic bishops’ conference (USCCB) on Nov. 15 elected Archbishop Timothy Broglio, a former Vatican diplomat and the long-serving (since 2008) and much-beloved and respected Archbishop for the Military Services, as the new president of the USCCB. National Catholic Reporter refers to the position as “essentially the nation’s chief Catholic chaplain.” Archbishop Broglio received…

While No One is Looking: China holds assault drills near Taiwan after ‘provocations’

While No One is Looking: China holds assault drills near Taiwan after ‘provocations’

Reuters—Aug 16, 2021—China carried out assault drills near Taiwan on Tuesday with warships and fighter jets exercising off the southwest and southeast of the island, in what the country’s armed forces said was as a response to “external interference” and “provocations”. Taiwan, which Beijing claims as Chinese territory, has complained of repeated People’s Liberation Army…

Chairman of Joint Chiefs warns of growth of al Qaeda, threat to US amid Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

Chairman of Joint Chiefs warns of growth of al Qaeda, threat to US amid Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

FoxNews—Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley warned lawmakers during a briefing over the weekend that terror groups like al-Qaeda may be able to grow at a much faster pace and pose a threat to the United States in the wake of the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, a source confirmed to Fox News.…

Taliban Death Squads Mark Doors of Prominent Afghan Women in Chilling Crackdown

Taliban Death Squads Mark Doors of Prominent Afghan Women in Chilling Crackdown

The Sun—TALIBAN death squads have reportedly marked the doors of prominent Afghan women with paint as several female anchors are axed from TV in a chilling crackdown. Female journalists in Afghanistan are fearing for their lives and many have been “taken off air” as the Taliban’s reign of terror begins after the jihadi army seized…

To Where will Afghans flee?

To Where will Afghans flee?

As the USAF C-17 managed to depart from Afghanistan with at least 640 Afghans on board and two who sadly met their death as they fell off the outside of the plane as it took off, one wonders where that plane will land.  To where will Afghans flee? With president Biden stating that “This did…

Panic at Kabul Airport Imperils Evacuation Flights; At Least Two Afghans Dead

“I am the President of the United States and the buck stops with me,” Biden said about withdrawing the troops after the departure mission is complete. Defense One—U.S. warns that any attacks on evacuation will meet “a forceful response,” but how long will the Taliban hold off? The U.S. military temporarily froze all flights out…

Inside Reach 871, A US C-17 Packed With 640 Afghans Trying to Escape the Taliban

Inside Reach 871, A US C-17 Packed With 640 Afghans Trying to Escape the Taliban

Defense One—The Air Force evacuation flight from Kabul to Qatar came near the record for most people ever flown in the Boeing airlifter. A U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III safely evacuated some 640 Afghans from Kabul late Sunday, according to U.S. defense officials and photos obtained by Defense One. That’s believed to be among the…

I’m a woman journalist who has lived in Afghanistan for eight years. Now I’m helping evacuate citizens, and the horror show I’ve witnessed will stay with me for life.

I’m a woman journalist who has lived in Afghanistan for eight years. Now I’m helping evacuate citizens, and the horror show I’ve witnessed will stay with me for life.

…I am talking to Afghans from all over the country who are sharing terrifying stories of what the Taliban are doing in their cities. In Kandahar, they are executing people who they see as opposition on the streets. In Takhar and Samangan, they have cut off the limbs of those who they accused of being…

Terror in Afghanistan as people desperate to flee Taliban take-over

Terror in Afghanistan as people desperate to flee Taliban take-over

With the fall of Kabal to Taliban terrorists yesterday, the stakes couldn’t be higher in Afghanistan, especially for women and children who are particularly vulnerable to Taliban violence and abuse as a tool of aggression, manipulation, fear and terror. Mid-afternoon today, Biden unapologetically defended his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, putting blame on the…

Open Letter to Employees of Silicon Valley by Veterans for Free Speech

Open Letter to Employees of Silicon Valley by Veterans for Free Speech

To Employees of Silicon Valley: We are retired and/or career military officers.  We will not share our names.  Nor will we share our ranks. Opinions are hazardous to professional success in the US military.  We are not willing to take that chance. Suffice to say we share your shock at the events of 06 January…

“Lepanto” by G.K. Chesterton sheds more light on the Battle of Lepanto

“Lepanto” by G.K. Chesterton sheds more light on the Battle of Lepanto

(Crisis)—On Sunday, October 7th, in the year of Our Lord 1571, an outnumbered, fragile coalition of small Christian states and one small part of a big Christian state defeated an empire at sea just off the coast of Greece. All of Europe rejoiced at the time, even the Christian states that refused help. Now, among the…

Sister, Soldier, Colonel, Surgeon, Speaker: Catholic religious sister to address Republican convention

Sister, Soldier, Colonel, Surgeon, Speaker: Catholic religious sister to address Republican convention

A surgeon, retired army officer, missionary and Catholic religious sister is among the featured speakers at this week’s Republican National Convention. The convention, which takes place over four days this week, will officially nominate President Donald Trump for reelection. What’s most remarkable, however, is the life of this consecrated religious. For example, other than Saint…

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