Catholic College Students Stand Up to President and Board!!  A Catholic College defines “Woman”: St. Mary’s College in Indiana Reverses Decision to Admit Transgender Males

Catholic College Students Stand Up to President and Board!! A Catholic College defines “Woman”: St. Mary’s College in Indiana Reverses Decision to Admit Transgender Males

WSJ—If Macy Gunnell, a sophomore at St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Ind., hadn’t been listening during her shift at the school’s admissions office, she might have missed the news: The all-women’s Catholic college was planning to admit trans-identifying men the next academic year. That would have undermined 180 years of school tradition, not to…

Frightful Fire  Easter Morning at Thomas Aquinas College Chapel – New England campus

Frightful Fire Easter Morning at Thomas Aquinas College Chapel – New England campus

Early Easter morning, as head chaplain Fr. Greg Markey opened the chapel door at Thomas Aquinas College, New England campus, thick black smoke rushed out the door and in his face.  He quickly grabbed a fire extinguisher and tackled the blaze, only slightly diminishing the raging flames. It wasn’t enough to douse the flames devouring…

President of Hungary Speaks at Ave Maria University About The Calling of the Christian in Politics

President of Hungary Speaks at Ave Maria University About The Calling of the Christian in Politics

On March 9, 2023, the president of Hungary, Katalin Novák, will deliver a lecture, titled “The Calling of the Christian in Politics: What We Can Achieve,” followed by a Q-and-A with students at Ave Maria University in Florida. (video below) Novák’s lecture focuses on the importance of faith and family. As a devoted Christian, Novák…

Against the odds? Finding Faith at Harvard

Against the odds? Finding Faith at Harvard

CNA—One convert’s journey to Catholicism began with an invitation to an ice-cream social. Another says he instantly believed in the Real Presence the moment someone explained what the round object was that everyone was staring at during Eucharistic Adoration. For a third, the poems of T.S. Eliot — and a seemingly random encounter with a…

UNDERSTANDING UKRAINE: From Soviet Underground to the Revolution of Dignity

UNDERSTANDING UKRAINE: From Soviet Underground to the Revolution of Dignity

Understanding Ukraine.  At a previous Napa Institute event, attendees listened to Myroslav Marynovych, Vice Rector at the Ukrainian Catholic University, on his talk, From Soviet Underground to the Revolution of Dignity.  Click the link below to watch this stirring speech.

Desperate Plea from Ukranian Catholic University: What’s really going on in Ukraine

Desperate Plea from Ukranian Catholic University: What’s really going on in Ukraine

We at Catholic Business Journal have personally met with the head priest and top administration of, and learned about, the Ukrainian Catholic University during our attendance at previous years’ Napa Institute.  We learned they are the only — ONLY — Catholic university in the Ukraine and that they have managed to maintain a consistent, though…

MIT alums: We Can’t Support a School that Caved to Woke Mentality

MIT alums: We Can’t Support a School that Caved to Woke Mentality

We graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology more than 50 years ago. MIT was academically rigorous, and it taught us our crafts and the essence of problem-solving, enabling us to thrive in our careers. We owe much to our alma mater and have donated to it regularly. No more. The current MIT administration has…

Notre Dame Students Go to War over ‘Woke’ Catholicism

Notre Dame Students Go to War over ‘Woke’ Catholicism

NR—It is a sad reality that, among students at the University of Notre Dame, it is becoming unacceptable to share Catholic Church teaching on matters of human identity and sexuality. A few weeks back, Notre Dame senior Mary Frances Myler — who serves as editor in chief of the Irish Rover, an independent student newspaper…

COURAGEOUS STUDENTS WANT the True Faith at Loyola Marymount: Students Restart Pro-life Group after Planned Parenthood fundraiser

COURAGEOUS STUDENTS WANT the True Faith at Loyola Marymount: Students Restart Pro-life Group after Planned Parenthood fundraiser

The story below should never happen at a “Catholic” college or university. Never!  But it does happen, more often than most parents and grandparents realize. So toxic—so anti-Catholic—is the environment at too many generations-old, formerly respected “Catholic” colleges and university campuses that students abandon their faith.  They either become “Catholic in name only” or worse.…

‘They’re not going to succeed’: Pro-life societies stand firm in face of opposition on England’s campuses

‘They’re not going to succeed’: Pro-life societies stand firm in face of opposition on England’s campuses

Oxford, England—CNA—There is no better time for Oxford University’s 400 clubs and societies to recruit new members than at the Student Union’s Freshers’ Fair, held annually in October. Students embarking on their freshman year — known as “freshers” in England — walk around stalls run by groups devoted to everything from anime to mixed martial…

Catholic football coach fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccine, lawyer alleges anti-religious animus

Catholic football coach fired for refusing COVID-19 vaccine, lawyer alleges anti-religious animus

CNA—The former Washington State University football coach, a Catholic, intends to sue the school after he was refused a religious exemption to the state’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate and was subsequently fired for not getting vaccinated. Nick Rolovich, a Catholic, had previously announced in July that he would not be receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, but would…

University Health System Kicks Out Catholic Hospitals, Catholic Doctors

University Health System Kicks Out Catholic Hospitals, Catholic Doctors

Lifesite News & The College Fix—The University of California Board of Regents voted in June to end its affiliations with Catholic medical providers and other pro-life medical groups, despite warnings that the change could cut off healthcare to 35,000 people. The University of California is taxpayer funded. Its UC Health program runs healthcare facilities and…

President Biden Dodges University of Notre Dame President Jenkins

President Biden Dodges University of Notre Dame President Jenkins

Sycamore Trust—Most readers know that President Biden was not this year’s Notre Dame Commencement speaker, but many may not know that Father Jenkins did invite him. The White House disclosed the invitation, dissembling as to the reason, while the University refused to comment. What follows is an account of this episode and the dozens of…

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