New York Encounter kicks off this weekend: Who Am I that You Care for Me?

New York Encounter kicks off this weekend: Who Am I that You Care for Me?

The them of this year’s New York Encounter — “Who Am I That You Care for Me?” — is drawn from Psalm 8 and is meant to speak to the widespread longing for belonging that cannot be met by models of “diversity, equity and inclusion” nor technological solutions such as social-media influencers or the metaverse.…

So-called “Equality Act” is Just the Opposite

So-called “Equality Act” is Just the Opposite

On Thursday, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the deceptively named ‘Equality Act,’ legislation that could be used to restrict the religious freedom of churches and religious nonprofits including religious schools; set back protections for women on the playing field, at work, and in private spaces like showers and locker rooms; as well as inhibit…

Victory for Religious Freedom in New York

Victory for Religious Freedom in New York

(January 8, 2021 – New York, New York) Religious freedom received validation this week from the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in the case of two Catholic priests, two Catholic school students, and four Orthodox Jewish individuals who are suing New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Thomas More Society attorneys are representing…

Trump announces ‘Born Alive’ executive order for abortion survivors

Trump announces ‘Born Alive’ executive order for abortion survivors

CNA—President Donald Trump on Wednesday announced an executive order that would require medical care be given to infants who are born alive after failed abortion attempts. “Today I am announcing that I will be signing the Born-Alive Executive Order to ensure that all precious babies born alive, no matter their circumstances, receive the medical care…

Congressman writes to DOJ after attacks on Catholic churches

Congressman writes to DOJ after attacks on Catholic churches

A Catholic congressman is asking the U.S. Attorney General to respond to a spate of acts of vandalism against churches around the country. In a letter to Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.) urged the Justice Department “to protect religious freedom and combat religious discrimination in the United States.” Fleischmann cited…

“If we cannot sleep, de Blasio won’t sleep,” Furious New York residents say

“If we cannot sleep, de Blasio won’t sleep,” Furious New York residents say

Daily Mail—Furious New York residents honk their horns outside the NYC Mayor’s home in the middle of the night over his refusal to address the constant fireworks across the city keeping them up at night. New Yorkers fed up with Mayor Bill de Blasio’s inaction in dealing with the noise caused by late-night fireworks that…

On the Front Lines in New York: One Catholic priest at work

On the Front Lines in New York: One Catholic priest at work

New York Post—Raul Luis López never had the chance to say goodbye. López was hospitalized for COVID-19 on April 3 before succumbing nearly three weeks later. The 39-year-old native of Oaxaca, Mexico, suffered from diabetes which worsened his illness. The day he left for treatment was the last time his wife, Sara Cruz, saw him.…

Heartbeat Bills Gaining Momentum, Could They Prompt Overturn Roe vs Wade?

Heartbeat Bills Gaining Momentum, Could They Prompt Overturn Roe vs Wade?

With a new conservative majority on the Supreme Court, several states this year have seized on the opportunity to advance pro-life legislation aiming to overturn Roe v. Wade. One type of pro-life legislation in particular is increasingly gaining momentum on the state level—heartbeat bills which ban abortion from the moment an unborn child’s heartbeat can…