Read Full Text: Archbishop Cordileone sharply rebukes Marin County DA in St. Junipero Vandals Case: “What You Propose is Not a Punishment that Fits the Crime”

Read Full Text: Archbishop Cordileone sharply rebukes Marin County DA in St. Junipero Vandals Case: “What You Propose is Not a Punishment that Fits the Crime”

In October of 2020, a group of protestors trespassed on Mission San Rafael, a Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of San Francisco and desecrated and toppled a beloved statue of St. Junipero Serra. The crime was witnessed by the police, caught on videotape. Five were arrested and charged with felony vandalism. Today in court the…

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Edward the Confessor – King of England

SAINTS AT WORK: St. Edward the Confessor – King of England

St. Edward was born in 1003, the son of the Duke of Normandy and nephew of King Edmund Ironside of England. Grew up in exile He grew up in exile in Normandy from the age of 10, when the Danes gained control of England. The early experience of loss, coupled with his earnest religious piety,…

Archaeological digs in Pacific Northwest uncover Catholic artifacts

Archaeological digs in Pacific Northwest uncover Catholic artifacts

CNS/Catholic Sentinel—Oregon’s rich Catholic history begins a few miles north in what was then Oregon Country and now is Washington state. Archaeological digs at Fort Vancouver, Washington, have uncovered a trove of Catholic artifacts from the earliest days of the church in the Pacific Northwest, including a crucifix, rosary beads and a Miraculous Medal, all…

This Catholic Doctor Lost Everything in the Nagasaki Bombing, Except Faith, Hope and Love

This Catholic Doctor Lost Everything in the Nagasaki Bombing, Except Faith, Hope and Love

CNA—Dr. Takashi Nagai’s work to help survivors of the Nagasaki atomic bombing and to console his devastated Japanese Catholic community is an unusual example of live-giving love and faith amid desolation and death, various speakers said at the New York Encounter on Sunday. “There was nothing, nothing anymore around him. He had completely lost everything,”…

HISTORY: The Holy Roman Empire’s Quiet End on August 6, 1806

HISTORY: The Holy Roman Empire’s Quiet End on August 6, 1806

With war threatening the French empire, Napoleon backed off from dealing with the pope for awhile.  At this point other matters occupied his mind, such as securing the crown of the Holy Roman Empire for himself.  Pictured to the left (or above), the crown of the once-mighty Holy Roman Empire was in use from the…

Online Conference on the Renewal of Catholic Education Triples in Attendance

Online Conference on the Renewal of Catholic Education Triples in Attendance

More than 700 Catholic educators from across the country and overseas will gather online next week to explore, celebrate, and strengthen the growing movement to save Catholic schools through the recovery of the Church’s proven tradition of education. The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education’s 8th National Conference was forced to shift to an online format…

HISTORY: German Catholics Fight for Religious Freedom

HISTORY: German Catholics Fight for Religious Freedom

It was perhaps the final insult for German statesman Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck and Duke of Lauenburg—who was known as Otto von Bismarck (view image to right, below). Ultimately this statesman is credited with masterminded the unification of Germany in 1871. He served as its first chancellor until 1890, in which capacity he…

Catholic Business Journal introduces new column: This Week in History

Catholic Business Journal introduces new column: This Week in History

In what might seem like an odd twist, Catholic Business Journal, the nation’s pre-eminent news source focusing on faith and work, faith and business, today introduces a new column on…. history! “In business schools,” notes Karen Walker, founder and publisher of Catholic Business Journal, “and in our individual quests to become more adept in our…

Archbishop Chaput on the Catholic Political Vocation

Archbishop Chaput on the Catholic Political Vocation

“Tolerance Is Not a Christian Virtue” TORONTO, FEB. 24, 2009 ( Here is the text of an address delivered Monday by Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, Colorado, at the University of Toronto. The archbishop’s presentation was sponsored by the Archdiocese of Toronto, the Salt and Light Catholic Television Network, the Toronto Legatus Chapter, and the…