Bringing a Life Monument to the Texas Capitol

Bringing a Life Monument to the Texas Capitol

Can A Dream of a Statue that Recognizes the Dignity of the Human Person Through “Mother and Child” Come True in Today’s America? Some years ago my wife Pat and I were at a Legatus Summit in Florida and on display there were pictures of the beautiful sculptures by internationally known sculptor Timothy Schmalz. We…

Would proposed Biden rule force doctors to perform transgender surgeries and abortions?

Would proposed Biden rule force doctors to perform transgender surgeries and abortions?

CNA—The Biden administration proposed a new rule this week that legal experts say, if finalized, would force hospitals and doctors to perform gender-transition surgeries and abortions. The rule proposed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revises Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to add “sexual orientation and gender identity” and…

Ohio enacts health care conscience protections

Ohio enacts health care conscience protections

CNA—Ohio state law now includes conscience protections for medical professionals, after Governor Mike DeWine (R) signed a state budget bill into law on June 30. “Governor DeWine should be commended for his commitment to dignified health care. His clear understanding that health care professionals must have the right to freedom of conscience is vital to…

OBIT: Dr. Henry Joseph Zeiter, Devout Catholic, Philanthropist and World-Renown Ophthalmologist

OBIT: Dr. Henry Joseph Zeiter, Devout Catholic, Philanthropist and World-Renown Ophthalmologist

Dr. Henry Joseph Zeiter died in his Lodi, California, home on Sunday, December 20, 2020. A beloved husband, father, and grandfather, a world-renowned ophthalmologist, and a generous philanthropist, he was also a faithful friend of Thomas Aquinas College, having served for 34 years on its Board of Governors. Henry was born in Serhel, Lebanon, on…

Biden Overturns Trump Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Kill Babies in Abortions

Biden Overturns Trump Rule Protecting Doctors From Being Forced to Kill Babies in Abortions

LifeSite News—In June 2020, President Donald Trump issued a pro-life rule that will protect pro-life Americans and help save babies from abortion. His administration implemented a rule to block the effects of a dangerous Obamacare provision that could be used to compel doctors to participate in abortions. Today, Joe Biden reversed it. During the trump…

The Bioethicist Pandemic

The Bioethicist Pandemic

The increasing outsourcing of health-care policy to medical bureaucrats during the COVID-19 crisis illustrates the dangerous temptation to remove control over policy from democratic deliberation in favor of a technocracy, i.e., rule by “experts.” In health care, such a system would be particularly perilous since the experts placed in charge of policy would be “bioethicists”…

Seminarian in Spain returns to roots as doctor amid pandemic

ACI Prensa/CNA—While most of the students at the San Fulgencia Seminary in Cartagena, Spain, returned home when the country declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus pandemic, one seminarian felt a different calling. With a background in medicine, first-year seminarian Abraham Martínez Moratón asked permission of the rector at his seminary to go back…

A Woman Physician’s Perspective: Should Employers Pay for Abortions?

A Woman Physician’s Perspective: Should Employers Pay for Abortions?

It is almost a foregone conclusion now that employers are expected to advocate and pay for abortions. This is claimed under the rubric of “reproductive rights.” Language is everything here. As catchy as that alliteration may be, in the name of accuracy we should be clear that the deliberate termination of fetal life is not…

Pope Francis tells medical professionals to defend life

Pope Francis tells medical professionals to defend life

Vatican City, May 17, 2019 / 12:00 pm (CNA)– Pope Francis Friday encouraged medical professionals to defend and promote life, highlighting the practice of conscientious objection in today’s healthcare environment. “Defend and promote life, starting from those who are most defenseless or in need of assistance because they are sick, or elderly, or marginalized,” Pope…