July 1: Feast of Saint Junipero Serra, brief overview

July 1: Feast of Saint Junipero Serra, brief overview

Between 1769 – 1823, the Franciscan friars built a total of 21 missions stretching for 700 miles between San Diego and Sonoma, Calif., most of them thanks to the extraordinary charity and leadership of Saint Junipero Serra. Father Junipero Serra brought Christ to the Indians of California and also protection. He did not want the…

Terrific FIRST-HAND ACCOUNT:  Canonization of Saint Junipero Serra

Terrific FIRST-HAND ACCOUNT: Canonization of Saint Junipero Serra

(originally posted Oct 13, 2015)—Well, as my T-shirt proclaims, “Pope Francis in America…. I WAS THERE.”  I was specifically there for the canonization of Fr. Serra, an old family friend so to speak.  Serra and I go way back–I knew him even before he was venerable.  One of the happy sources of this connection was…