Surfing Mass-casts

Surfing Mass-casts

As a life-long Catholic, I must confess. I did something Sunday morning I’ve never done before. Even a month ago it would have seemed not quite right based on my Catholic foundation. Yet now it feels spiritually uplifting and beneficial! Confined at home in the coronavirus shutdown, I followed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass…

Quick Find: MASS, ADORATION, Spiritual Resources online – Exceptional List

Quick Find: MASS, ADORATION, Spiritual Resources online – Exceptional List

The following is a very short list of exceptional online resources for virtually attending Holy Mass and for virtually participating in Eucharist Adoration.  HOLY MASS  (For Eucharistic Adoration, scroll down) Vatican Mass:  EWTN – Sundays – Check your local EWTN channel for time(s) Vatican News Livestream: (  St. Albert’s Dominican House of Studies, Western Dominican…