The French geneticist Who Renounced a Nobel Prize to defend the unborn is on his way to sainthood

The French geneticist Who Renounced a Nobel Prize to defend the unborn is on his way to sainthood

French pediatrician and geneticist Jérôme Lejeune, renown for discovering the extra chromosome that causes Down syndrome, was a devout Catholic. As a Catholic, Lejeune thought his historic discovery would lead to a more compassionate approach to children with the syndrome.  Instead—to his horror—Lejeune’s famous discovery became a tool used to diagnose Down Syndrome babies in…

BOOK REVIEW: Responding to the Universal Call of Grace – riveting journey from Islam to Catholicism

BOOK REVIEW: Responding to the Universal Call of Grace – riveting journey from Islam to Catholicism

While attending the Napa Institute, I asked Ignatius Press’ Tony Ryan for his recommendation on a good book to read. Tony immediately told me, “From Fire by Water: My Journey to the Catholic Faith,” which was one of Ignatius’ bestsellers. I got a copy and found that Tony was right on the money. This is…

Did Pope Benedict XVI write new book with Cardinal Robert Sarah New Book on Priestly Celibacy and Crisis of the Catholic Church?

Did Pope Benedict XVI write new book with Cardinal Robert Sarah New Book on Priestly Celibacy and Crisis of the Catholic Church?

CNS—At the request of retired Pope Benedict XVI, his name will be removed as co-author of a book—From the Depths of Our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy and the Crisis of the Catholic Church—defending priestly celibacy, said Cardinal Robert Sarah, the Vatican official who coordinated work on the book. “Considering the polemics provoked by the publication of…