Finding Hope In The Midst of Brokenness

Finding Hope In The Midst of Brokenness

Pat and I attended the Napa Institute Summer Conference in Napa Valley, California, held at the exquisite Meritage Hotel, then went to Carmel, one of our absolute favorite places. More on Napa later, but first to share something that happened to us on the beach in Carmel. When Might a Young Boy Realize The Value…

Why Beauty Matters—even at work, or does it?

Why Beauty Matters—even at work, or does it?

With what art and beauty do you surround yourself during the biggest part of your weekday, at work?  It could be important.  Does it even matter?  Does Beauty matter? Surely beauty matters to the human soul in subtle yet powerful, fundamental ways. Why else would God have been so attentive to it in creating all…