INSPIRATION: The Prison of Your Mind

By Karen A. Walker

See for yourself —

The comment below — one of more than 151,000 “thumbs up” individuals who also commented—is a first-hand account of how that ONE TALK dramatically changed lives at Ironwood that day.  What can our lives do, if we live fully embracing, fully present to the moment, the circumstances into which we have been called today?
Most revealing comment of all :
This talk was given in Ironwood State Prison, C-yard, in Blythe California. I was there in the audience, dressed in prison blues. Joseph Zito CDCR# AG-2352. I met Sean and had lunch in the chow hall with him afterwards. Very nice man, very kind and loving…almost an aura of sainthood about him. This day was pivotal in my life. It was the first day of my life where I did not feel completely alienated from society…the first time in years where I did not feel like just a number…the first time “normal” people did not ostracize me for my past mistakes and my then present incarceration. I’ve been out of prison for more than 6 years now. I have a wife and 4 children. We all study and compete in Brazilian Jiujitsu. I work 84 hours a week as a coring roughneck so my wife can stay home with our kids. This man helped me realize that adverse circumstances do not exist to be surrendered to but only to be overcome. I’m so sad to hear of his passing. Rest in peace sir, thank you for your help.




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