April 18, 2023—Watch Worldwide Premiere of: The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom

April 18, 2023—Watch Worldwide Premiere of: The Hong Konger: Jimmy Lai’s Extraordinary Struggle for Freedom

Mark Your Calendars for the worldwide premiere of THE HONG KONGER: JIMMY LAI’S EXTRAORDINARY STRUGGLE FOR FREEDOM, to be shown on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at 8:00 pm ET . Sign up here to get notified of the worldwide premiere next Tuesday: https://www.acton.org/jimmylai Here is where to watch the premiere next Tuesday at 8pm ET: …

Bringing a Life Monument to the Texas Capitol

Bringing a Life Monument to the Texas Capitol

Can A Dream of a Statue that Recognizes the Dignity of the Human Person Through “Mother and Child” Come True in Today’s America? Some years ago my wife Pat and I were at a Legatus Summit in Florida and on display there were pictures of the beautiful sculptures by internationally known sculptor Timothy Schmalz. We…

Crushed in an earthquake, shattered 15th-century cross restored in time for Easter

Crushed in an earthquake, shattered 15th-century cross restored in time for Easter

CNA—In the late summer and fall of 2016, central Italy was devastated by several powerful earthquakes. Numerous historic churches and buildings were destroyed in the quakes — including one of the oldest monastic complexes in Italy, the Abbey of Sant’Eutizio, whose bell tower and church roof collapsed. One of the Benedictine abbey’s artworks, a crucifix…

Detroit TV personality Chuck Gaidica’s ‘Breaking News’: He Returned to the Church

Detroit TV personality Chuck Gaidica’s ‘Breaking News’: He Returned to the Church

Chuck Gaidica has been in the TV business for more than 40 years, telling the stories of Detroiters as a well-known figure in the community. But on a blustery fall evening at Holy Trinity Parish in Port Huron, Michigan, about 60 miles northeast of Detroit, the award-winning newsman reported on a story on which he…

Papal artist unveils stunning painting of Benedict XVI as pope emeritus

Papal artist unveils stunning painting of Benedict XVI as pope emeritus

Rome-CNA—Natalia Tsarkova, official portrait artist to the popes for more than 20 years, likes to work from real life. “I am so meticulous about details. I have to see and touch and feel everything,” she said. But for her latest painting, a portrait of Benedict XVI in his life as pope emeritus, some objects could…

Catholic Artist Timothy Schmalz: His Padre Pio sculpture to be blessed on saint’s feast day…‘I have to honor him’

CNA—Catholic artist Timothy P. Schmalz calls Padre Pio his favorite saint. And so, when he learned that four of his sculptures would honor the Italian mystic on his feast day—Sept. 23—he was overjoyed. “I thought a couple years ago about that moment in my life where Padre Pio gave me that peace and comfort and…

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