What’s happening in China? St. Francis Xavier, First-hand Images, Communist Oppression…. and a little HOPE

What’s happening in China? St. Francis Xavier, First-hand Images, Communist Oppression…. and a little HOPE

A quick glimpse at what’s happening in China now. As we cull this news, I wonder how many Chinese know of St. Francis Xavier, the Jesuit sent as a missionary to the Far East by St. Ignatius himself (the founder of the Jesuit order). “Go set all on fire” Saint Francis Xavier (1506-1552), whose Feast…

Behind the Red Curtain: A Peek into China’s Draconian Shanghai Lockdown

Behind the Red Curtain: A Peek into China’s Draconian Shanghai Lockdown

Even after two long years of business-crushing Covid lockdown in states such as California and countries such as Canada, it is difficult to imagine what has been happening in the beautiful and once-vibrant city of Shanghai, China, for the past seven weeks – with little sign of ending soon, in spite of words to the…