BOOK REVIEW: Ram Charan’s Excellent Guide to Managing During an Insidious Inflationary Period

BOOK REVIEW: Ram Charan’s Excellent Guide to Managing During an Insidious Inflationary Period

A proven guide on how to survive and lead during inflation —  Inflation that we have not seen in 40 years is here to stay, with no foreseeable reduction in sight. It is not transitory. Best-selling author Ram Charan, whom I have known for 40 years, experienced the insidious inflation of the 1970s. So have…

Yes, You Can Avoid Burn-out and Live a Balanced Life…

Yes, You Can Avoid Burn-out and Live a Balanced Life…

Professional burn-out is on the rise. Working too much and not having any balance and time off is contributing is becoming the new norm. It is critically important to avoid this. Find out how here: Watch video: Are you a business owner who says: I’m so busy, I don’t have time. I’d like to make…

BOOK REVIEW: “Trillion Dollar Coach” is The Ultimate Compliment for an Authentic Catholic Leader

BOOK REVIEW: “Trillion Dollar Coach” is The Ultimate Compliment for an Authentic Catholic Leader

I found Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley’s Bill Campbell to be an excellent book. As someone who has served as a CEO of early stage companies for many years and has also been asked frequently for advice by growth minded professionals and entrepreneurs, this book resonated. My copy is dog-eared and…

BOOK REVIEW: A Leader’s Manual for High Performance Management: Structure/Clarity, Meaning, Dependability, Safety and Meaning at Work

BOOK REVIEW: A Leader’s Manual for High Performance Management: Structure/Clarity, Meaning, Dependability, Safety and Meaning at Work

Book Review of “Measure What Matters: How Google, Bono, and the Gates Foundation Rock the World with OKRs,” by John Doerr The real job of leaders is not to formulate a “vision” and then delegate it to others to make it happen. Leadership is many things but at its essence, it is about delivering results.…

BOOK REVIEW: Inconvenient Facts—The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

BOOK REVIEW: Inconvenient Facts—The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels

Alex Epstein’s book, The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, begins to provide balance to the global debate on climate change, the use of fossil fuels, and the use of alternative sources of energy.