Yes, it’s near the end of Giving Tuesday today and there are many wonderful charities to support. But at Catholic Business Journal, we humbly ask you to consider TWO standouts:
See below for our “Why”:
1. The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education
WHY: When you transform Catholic education, you transform our future — Faith, Family, Life — for generations upon generations. The Institute
for Catholic Liberal Education does it 100% right.
They provide principal and teacher retreats that stand out because attendees return to their school literally rejuvenated in their FAITH and in their JOY of teaching and leading. Their Administration retreats solve REAL problems–Focus on MISSION, how to turn around low enrollment, improve retention, provide fair yet sustainable pricing by looking at PROVEN SOLUTIONS grounded in PROFOUND FAITH to underpin everything.
They work with dioceses, with start-up schools, with desperate legacy schools…
And in EVERY SINGLE CASE, those schools that work with ICLE experience radical growth, profound JOY in Faith — in student body and faculty and parents, exceptional learning and students who graduate CONFIDENT and ANCHORED in their Catholic faith and purpose in life. See for yourself: The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education
2. JP II Life Center and Vitae Clinic
WHY: We believe that what this Austin-based, holistic pregnancy center is doing, how they continue to grow and reach and help confused pregnant
women right where they are, in the midst of confusion, is exceptional and a model for other pregnancy centers throughout the country (and world). Instead of explaining, please go to their website and see for yourself: JPIILifeCenter
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