Meet the Catholics Who Shaped Our Country, including Fr. Pierre-Jean De Smet, SJ, Friend of “Sitting Bull”

Meet the Catholics Who Shaped Our Country, including Fr. Pierre-Jean De Smet, SJ, Friend of “Sitting Bull”

On the cover of the history textbook The American Venture, students will see a picture of Fr. Pierre-Jean De Smet, S.J. (featured photo in this article).  Outside the Catholic Church, not many people have heard of him. And even among Catholic students and laity, few have heard of him.  Yet Fr. De Smet played a…

HISTORY: The Past gives valuable Perspective to the Present

HISTORY: The Past gives valuable Perspective to the Present

Popular culture holds a dismissive attitude toward history. Common headlines include “unprecedented times”, “worse than ever”, and “never before.” But how often is that really true? What do we face that is truly without precedent? This mindset—that all things have either escalated or de-escalated, that the present is always somehow more or less than the…