BOOK and Saint: Saint Claude de la Colombiere and His Little, Life-Changing Book

BOOK and Saint: Saint Claude de la Colombiere and His Little, Life-Changing Book

CBJ/CNA—On February 15 the Catholic church honors Saint Claude de la Colombiere, the 17th century French Jesuit who authenticated and wrote about Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque’s visions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. When now-saint Pope John Paul II canonized St. Claude in 1992, he held him up as a model Jesuit, recalling how de…

BOOK REVIEW: Unlock Your Full Potential: The Ultimate Handbook to Mastering Emotional Intelligence

BOOK REVIEW: Unlock Your Full Potential: The Ultimate Handbook to Mastering Emotional Intelligence

Dr. Travis Bradberry, co-author of the bestselling “Emotional Intelligence 2.0” and cofounder of TalentSmart EQ, has done it again with his latest book, “Emotional Intelligence Habits.” This book is more than just a guide; it’s a life-enhancing journey into understanding and enhancing emotional intelligence (EQ) through practical, daily habits. With his unparalleled ability to distill…

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