Free Speech and Social Media – Does Big Tech Work for the Government?

Free Speech and Social Media – Does Big Tech Work for the Government?

President Trump has filed lawsuits against Facebook, YouTube and Twitter accusing them of working with the government to censor free speech. His lawsuits raise two points: The big internet platforms are violating the First Amendment by colluding with government officials to censor unapproved ideas. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is unconstitutional in granting…

A Young Catholic Editor talks about Faith, Politics, Pope Francis and the Subtle Tyranny of Social Media

A Young Catholic Editor talks about Faith, Politics, Pope Francis and the Subtle Tyranny of Social Media

When the late William F. Buckley set out to find a religion editor for National Review, he was careful to choose a Protestant. Though a Catholic himself, Buckley feared that his magazine—by then, already the flaghship of American conservatism—was becoming “too Catholic.” Eventually, he settled on a bombastic Lutheran minister named Richard John Neuhaus. Alas…