HISTORY: The Holy Roman Empire’s Quiet End on August 6, 1806

HISTORY: The Holy Roman Empire’s Quiet End on August 6, 1806

With war threatening the French empire, Napoleon backed off from dealing with the pope for awhile.  At this point other matters occupied his mind, such as securing the crown of the Holy Roman Empire for himself.  Pictured to the left (or above), the crown of the once-mighty Holy Roman Empire was in use from the…

HISTORY: German Catholics Fight for Religious Freedom

HISTORY: German Catholics Fight for Religious Freedom

It was perhaps the final insult for German statesman Otto Eduard Leopold, Prince of Bismarck and Duke of Lauenburg—who was known as Otto von Bismarck (view image to right, below). Ultimately this statesman is credited with masterminded the unification of Germany in 1871. He served as its first chancellor until 1890, in which capacity he…