Europe Fed-Up:  Migrant Muslim “Welcome Mat” Shut Down in  Austria, Italy and More

Europe Fed-Up: Migrant Muslim “Welcome Mat” Shut Down in Austria, Italy and More

The unrestrained migration of hundreds of thousands of mostly Muslim immigrants into European countries the last few years—most notably in Germany, where German Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed more than a million Syrian refugees to pour into the country’s cities and towns, but also in other European countries—seems to have come to an abrupt about-face.  This…

BOOK REVIEW: Sword and Scimitar – Islam’s Thousand Year War on Christendom

BOOK REVIEW: Sword and Scimitar – Islam’s Thousand Year War on Christendom

Crisis mag—At a time when Catholic youth are taught that Islam means peace, pilgrimage and prayer, and Catholic adults are under the impression that Muslims are a misunderstood minority who only want to share their values and their baba ghanoush, it’s refreshing to occasionally make contact with reality. I mean “refreshing” here in the sense…

Your Chance to Change the Course of History Now

Your Chance to Change the Course of History Now

Crisis Magazine—I dare say that most people who have read history would like to think that if they had been present at some pivotal point in history, they would have chosen the right side—with the Allies and against the Axis, with Wilberforce and against the slave traders, with the Romans and against the child-sacrificing Carthaginians.…