Catholic congressman: I’d rather save my soul than vote for the health care bill

Catholic congressman: I’d rather save my soul than vote for the health care bill

New Orleans, La., August 3 (CNA) .- Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao, (R-New Orleans-pictured above), the first Vietnamese-American congressman and a Catholic,  announced this past weekend that, because of the “stealth mandate” for abortion still present in the Health Care bill, he prefers to “save his soul” rather than  vote in favor of it. Cao, the…

Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber: An Man of Extrodinary Courage and Role Model for Our Times

Michael Cardinal von Faulhaber: An Man of Extrodinary Courage and Role Model for Our Times

By Father Joseph Shea A couple of weeks ago, two of my priest friends and I went to see the new movie, Valkyrie, starring Tom Cruise.  The movie presents the true life story about a large-scale conspiracy within the German army to assassinate Adolf Hitler.  The heroic German Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg led the coup. …

People of faith may be target of ‘stimulus’ package

People of faith may be target of ‘stimulus’ package

by Charlie Butts and Jody Brown – – 2/5/2009 6:30:00 AM The administration’s economic stimulus bill needs a fix to avoid a courtroom confrontation. Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law & Justice, tells OneNewsNow there is a provision of the act that actually allows for funds to be given by the…