Get Copy of Latest Healthcare Bill

Get Copy of Latest Healthcare Bill

Pope Benedict, in his encyclical Caritas in veritate, asks that we measure the authenticity of any policy, organization or social entity that affects humans, by its commitment to first recognizing the dignity of the human person whose ultimate fulfilment is found only in God.  Does the proposed U.S. healthcare bill meet this requirement? Here is…

A Sobering Look at the Muslim Expansion: Evangelization in Context

A Sobering Look at the Muslim Expansion: Evangelization in Context

 October 7, 1571, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. The Feast date was so named for the powerful role of the Rosary in winning the Battle of Lepanto; a victory that literally turned around the unrelenting tide of ongoing Islamic invasion and conquering of Christian Europe at the time. (Remember, today’s city of…