University Defends Aborting More Black Babies for Body Parts for Research: It’s to Foster the “Inclusion of Minorities”

University Defends Aborting More Black Babies for Body Parts for Research: It’s to Foster the “Inclusion of Minorities”

Lifesite—The University of Pittsburgh is defending newly exposed documents showing that it sets racial quotas for the aborted babies whose organs are harvested for scientific research. Earlier this week, Judicial Watch and the Center for Medical Progress discovered that the university has racial targets for the organs it harvests from aborted babies in documents they obtained from a Freedom of Information…

History and Racism- who are the racists?

History and Racism- who are the racists?

We hear a lot these days about systemic or institutionalized racism, especially in connection with the police and persisting economic disparity between races. Protesters say historical racism is so embedded in our western culture that we need to erase symbols of our tainted past like statues and the names of cities, schools and sports teams.…