The Splendor of the O Antiphons

The Splendor of the O Antiphons

Each day from Dec. 17 through Christmas, the Catholic Business Journal will post the “O Antiphon” for that day. Below is the first of these antiphons, followed by a wonderful article by Fr. Juan Diego of the Norbertines. Enjoy! —ed. O ANTIPHON — December 17: O Sapientia, quae ex ore Altissimi provsti, attingens a fine…

Norbertine Fathers in California launch digital Advent calendar

Norbertine Fathers in California launch digital Advent calendar

CNA—A religious order in southern California is kicking off Advent with a digital calendar that allows Catholics to go more in-depth as they prepare for the Christmas season. The virtual calendar was launched on the first Sunday of Advent by the priests of the Norbertine order from St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County, California. The…