Reflections on the Great Jubilee 2000 +10

Reflections on the Great Jubilee 2000 +10

As we rapidly approach the Christmas Eve vigil of 2009, I am reminded of another Christmas Eve just 10 years ago, a Christmas Eve that I had spent six years preparing for in a special way.  The late Holy Father, the recently named Venerable John Paul II said the Great Jubilee 2000 was the event…

Vatican Aide: Put Man at the Center of the Economy—Cardinal Martino Says World Is More Than Just Money

Vatican Aide: Put Man at the Center of the Economy—Cardinal Martino Says World Is More Than Just Money

SANTIAGO, Chile (—The financial crisis under way in the United States should remind us that the human person must be at the center of the economy, says the president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. Cardinal Renato Martino affirmed this in a press conference during a visit he is making to Chile through Wednesday.…