The Camino and Daily Life, an interview with Four Bishops

The Camino and Daily Life, an interview with Four Bishops

As precursor to a film on The Camino, below please find a conversation with four bishops who have walked The Camino many times  — Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin, Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City, Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska, and Bishop James Wall of Gallup, New Mexico.  Together, along with moderator Kathryn…

Where’s the Catholic Voice??? At Least a Few Bishops Publicly Condemn Hate Crimes against Catholics and History and Truth

Where’s the Catholic Voice??? At Least a Few Bishops Publicly Condemn Hate Crimes against Catholics and History and Truth

CNA—As rioters across the United States target statues depicting historical figures, the Bishop of Madison, Wisconsin on Tuesday denounced that destruction, along with calls to destroy some depictions of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgina Mary. “Should certain statues be placed in museums or storage? Perhaps. Should we let a group of vandals make those…

Madison changes church reopening rules after Catholic bishop threatens lawsuit

Madison changes church reopening rules after Catholic bishop threatens lawsuit

CNA—Churches in Dane County, Wisconsin, will be permitted to operate at 25% capacity, it was announced Friday, after the Diocese of Madison threatened to sue if previous reopening plans were not changed. “Emergency Order #4 makes a clarification with respect to religious services,” said a release from Dane County on Friday.  “Religious worship services will…